Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 90 - The End of the Beginning....

Okay, before being more prosaic, will bung up the stats for a bit of colour.

      0 Days       30 Days      60 Days     90 Days     Change +/-
Weight 83.1 (79.3) (74) 72.4 -10.7kg
BMI 26.5 (25) (23.9) 22.8 -3.7
Fat Percentage 27.7 (22.9) (19.3) 16.4 -11.3%
Fat Mass 23 (18.2) (14.3) 11.9 -11.1kg
Free Fat Mass 60.1 61.1 (59.7) 60.5 +0.4kg

The numbers speak for themselves, and can't say fairer than that. As they say in football  "if you had offered me that result before the game started, I would have snapped your hand off.

Now for the final snapshots.... Lets start with cute and cuddly day 0...

And move swiftly onto a couple from day 90...

And Alright then, a back shot...

And okay, while I'm at it, one of me in the same shorts as the Day 0 shot...

Talking frankly about the pictures above, and to consider the change in 90 days.. I'll take that thanks very much! Considering what I gave myself to play with on Day 0 I am more than pleased with the results. Whilst not at the ripped stage, its such a great improvement and I am very content with the progress on what is, when looking back, only 90 days. Its a great base to work with, and the only criticism I can have is what are those tan lines about? Got to even that bad boy up!

In terms of the PCP, firstly to thank my main man Jasper Tay, a completed PCP-er who completed his PCP rotation a couple of months ahead of me. It was his hard work (and before and after shots!) that really inspired me that such great strides could be made in such a short space of time, and that I had to get myself signed up for the PCP. Thanks also to Geordie for firing it up at the same time, really good to have a buddy to keep yourself within the lines so to speak for the full 90 days

To the other PCP-ers, such superb results guys. Some frankly unbelievable changes, and that is testament to so much hard work and discipline, and as Chad would say, 'fun'. The blog based side of the PCP cannot be understated. I blogged for sure, and could have blogged more, but I am certain I took so much more out of the inspirational musings of others, and their encouraging comments left on my own page. Almost every time prior to either jumping rope in the morning, or doing the resistance work in the evening, i checked into the main page and drew strength from the trials, tribulations and triumphs of others. The time zones worked a treat for this, with Molly (or Sarah, unbelievable!! haha) and Chris pushing me through the early morning skips with their brilliant posts overnight from the States and the likes of of George, Richard, Aki and Geordie et al giving me a push on in the evenings. 

So many things to take away from the PCP. Frankly, its the simplicity of the project that makes it so special. Looking back, the principles come down to a) eat FOOD regularly and b) exercise regularly. Two simple ideas which in abstract are so duh obvious, but two simple ideas which the world around us tries to obfuscate and complicate with so much mis-information, short cutting and easy outs, that even the educated person starts second guessing themselves upon these simple principles. 

The biggest thank you goes out to Patrick. The PCP project is not a 'diet'. It's not a fad. It's an all round education in nutrition, health, exercise and well being. The tailoring of the emails and the construction of the scheduling is done so well that even those of us who had mountains to climb made our way to the top by following steps that are so interesting and varied in their nature that it felt like a pleasure. The old sleight of hand trick that even though youre working throughout, the journey itself is so interesting that the 'pain' of it is more than worth it to see what the next day brings.

To anyone thinking about doing the PCP, and is really ready to take some positive steps to change their health and well being for the better, just get on and do it. You will not be disappointed.

Well done team. Top effort. I finish off with my favourite Al Pacino movie monologue... Life really is just a game of inches. Small changes in lifestyle and thought patterns really do make the big difference in the end! 

Day 90 and beyond.. here we come.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 84- Some Friday Entertainment

Well, its Friday, and its the end of week 11, onto final week 12.

Its Friday, its sunny outside, the Masters is on, tee time booked for tomorrow, and big latte in front of me, work seems alright.

Basically, all pretty peaceful. This kind of has that 'last week of school' feel to it. You know, only a week of work from now, you'll be able to relax, enjoy the fruits of your labour etc.

And to my mind, with seven days left, there is only one music artist out there that can sum up this feeling. The smooth urban licks from this celebrated Southampton wordsmith might just help all the ladies out there get through those ab exercises with a smile on they faces. Peace out Craig David.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 82 - Wardrobe Change

Most PCP-ers minds now turning to post PCP behaviour, how to train, how to sustain etc. A fair few comments as well regards needs for new clothes as Day 1 stuff really isnt doing the job anymore. Also noted that some got in there early with some new purchases, only to find that again, they started to feel baggy and ill-fitting as more weight has been lost.

I have taken these experiences, and determined not to purchase any new gear before the end of the programme to avoid having to do it all again. The upshot of this is that I basically don't own anything that fits me whatsoever which is a) a great sign of progress and b) a source of amusement for others. All my suit trousers for work are held up by a belt on the last loop, and even then they are bunched at the front and hanging round the haunches. Shirts look more like blouses, which again would be rather high fashion if i were a spanish cavalier in the 16th century holding a cutlass in one hand, and a wench in the other. Which sadly I am not. None of my jeans can even stay up with a belt, and end up hanging round my quads, which actually makes me look pretty street, and has been a mild consideration of going for the whole boxer shorts out, with jeans round the ankle gangsta look. Until i realised that was ridiculous.

Final weekend is therefore being devoted to doing a sweep for a full set of new stuff, and into the tailors to see if he can tailor some of the existing suits, or have to go for new stuff. Either way, really puts the day-to-day work into perspective when looking at pre and (almost) post PCP clothing.

Otherwise, skips again a hard slog after doing the legwork last night. Starting to get bit more tired during the day as well, so a couple days off post PCP will be nice before working out a new regime for future. On the food, like Chris, found ramping up the intake was initially proving a task to get through the main mealtimes, but body now re-adjusted and hanging on for each snack to come around. I do believe this Patrick chap may know what he is talking about.....

Once more unto the breach dear chums. Glory is yours for the taking etc etc! Finishing strong all round, hope everyone using the satisfied glow of 82 days hard work to get them through the final 8.

Give Peas a chance.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 80 - Final Stretch

Last ten days, and definitely feeling it. The subtle week-by-week increases are great, but the body starting to realise that the demands placed on it are actually quite a jump from a few weeks previous. Stretching as much as possible pre and post workout, and before bed to try to get the 'hardness' out of the muscles, but still taking quite a bit to get the engine warmed up so to speak. The first couple 3 minute sets this morning on the jump rope, the legs felt like two slabs of concrete for each jump of the rope, had to grit the teeth to see it out. Well worth it though, as the subsequent sets the legs eventually warm up and can bash through them. Again, a very rewarding feeling when the final set is over, another one bites the dust, and one step closer to the finish line.

Having said that, definitely keen to keep the morning jumprope routine post PCP. Instead of going into the office previously with eyes half shut and head feeling fuzzy, it really does help to get everything revved up and ready for the day in terms of energy, instead of the previous lethargy I felt every morning. Gotta keep the morning cardio! As for Chris, like her style with regards incorporating a few tricks towards the end of her session. Not doing too hot on the crossing myself although I do appreciate that the peeps in my hood would seriously dig it if I could bust out some sick rope related manouevres, so I will endeavour to get some new styles locked down. Its not for me, its for them. The kids.

Otherwise, like many others, body still stiffening during the day between sessions, but that way you KNOW its working. And im very happy with the added protein / egg white intakes. It seems a lot, but im sure its helping with the muscle repair job. Fairly sure my bodyshape / fat levels still changing, so with that in mind, really want to do these hard yards bang on for the final 10 days.

Final p.s. had a golf lesson on Sunday, the pro had the camera out to analyse the swing. A) a great tool for working out where to make subtle changes to the swing arc etc. but B) far more importantly, it is a great way of analysing how PCP has changed the body shape. He has a video of my swing from about 60 days ago, and one from yesterday. The difference in posture, stance, flexibility and overall muscle tone is really clear. Just look so much more athletic, and this is great. certainly want to look more Tiger than John Daly...

Rock it out. Got to love Mondays.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 74 - Back in from the Cold

Back in from the cold literally (although Scotland was actually amazingly warm this time of year, about 14c), and also on the blogging front. 15 days without being on the blog is unacceptably long, and apologies to all for not keeping up my end of the deal by being more regular in the interim.

In short, had to return to the UK at relatively short notice to take care of some personal business, and finding the time or impetus to get blogged up kind of took a back seat. Regardless, rope, bands, and even gym mat managed to get squeezed into the suit carrier, and within a few hours of landing, found myself on my brother porch outside his flat jumping rope while scottish locals pointed at the weird guy on their way past. I also do confess that i did my 'indulgence' for my brothers birthday, which also coincided with not one but two days skipped which i thoroughly regret. The first was courtesy of a serious hangover (amazing how a few drinks knocks you sideways when your constantly working out) and the second was just a looong day of meetings, and a momentary failure of enthusiasm on my part.

To this end, skipping fridays are now pencilled in for full gym days in the coming two weeks, and since arriving back in Singapore on Sunday night on double skipping sessions for my penance!

Amazing to think that there are only 16 days left, and like several others, we have all made superb strides over the last 74 days. Also do have that feeling though that by day 90 will not be 'quite where I want to be', but going to be a damn sight closer thats for sure, with the tools in the toolbox to keep moving forward for the next 90 days and beyond, which is a great feeling. Those days of going to the gym and chucking a few weights around, a bit of cross training, and then ordering extra chicken on a post gym salad 'cos protein is good, right?' are over.

Another observation.. dont miss days!! Wow, even couple days out, and the next couple of days thereafter burn like hell, and cant reach maximum sets either which is just really annoying. So glad to be back in Chads warm embrace on the 8 minute abs as well. Run em up Guys!

I leave you with my tee shot on the 13th at Gullane No1 Course in Scotland on a beautiful scottish spring day. Sadly it ended up in the greenside bunker, the tide turned, and my brother did me 3 and 2 with a 30ft monster putt on the 16th. Cant win em all!

Also had a good look through the teams recent updates/ photos. You are all so getting commented on tomorrow, haha.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 60 - Final Stretch

I guess as its day 60, time for the 30 day Stats check:

Weight -   (83.1kg) / (79.3kg) /  74.0kg- 5.3 (Total  - 9.1 kg)
BMI:  (26.5)  / (25) /  23.9  / - 1.1  (Total - 2.6)
Fat Percentage: (27.7%) (22.9%) 19.3%   - 3.6 (Total - 8.4%)
Fat Mass: (23kg) / (18.2 kg) / 14.3kg   - 3.9kg (Total - 8.7kg)
FFM  (60.1kg) (61.1kg) / 59.7kg - 1.4kg (Total -0.4kg)

Happy with that, down another 3.9kg of fat mass over the last 30 days, although a little perturbed at a loss of 1.4kg of muscle over the same period. I guess to be expected though, hoping as things ramp up over the final 30 days can get some of that back, or at least stabilise the slide.

Have definitely found the last 10 days or so have been a real grind. I have tried to ensure im not coasting, and giving it everything on the sets, but there have been some times where ive been lying on the gym mat pre session looking at the ceiling thinking 'god, i really can't be assed..' haha. FORTUNATELY every single time ive got off the floor and got skipping, and each time after a few hundred jumps, the adrenalin gets going and the rest is easy. great journeys, small steps etc.. just got to internalise that feeling of accomplishment when youve got yourself over the hump. Been reading a lot of others who have been through this, but now the positive energy flying around the final push, so this is great to read.

Have checked myself this morning, and trying to think of Day 60 as a mini-day one, in the sense that the first 60 days has got all of us so far, and now the last 30 days is to really finish off with a bang, tear it up, be all we can be, choose your analogy.... so right, it begins here, and going to beat the crap out of this thing.

Still haven't done the indulgence, have been saving it for my brothers birthday this saturday. Might allow myself a couple glasses of the strong stuff to see the big day in, but otherwise, on the letter so far.

Well done and thank you to Patrick for keeping things going in what must be some pretty taxing circumstances, and thoughts going out to all of you in Japan right now.

new photo i guess tonight.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 53 - Photo Up

That time of the week again, new photo up, and again happy that things moving in the right direction. Arms and neckline shaping up a bit more, midriff still needs more work, but really not going to complain considering shape I was in only 53 days ago. Really nice to see some positive changes in there, and gives fresh impetus to go again, 37 days to go.

Enjoying this weeks exercises, increasingly hitting the muscle groups with higher reps and varied sets.

Inspiration low today, although one observation is that when have a day at work that sucks, actually looking forward to getting home and working out through the sets. Who woulda thunk it back in the first week of January. Hell, not this guy!

One plus is, having lost my passport back in November, it has taken until this week that i was deemed to have all the new documentation for a new application, which means within 10 days can at least get off this rock for a couple of days.. I am sure that a bit of time away lends a bit of perspective from the grim enthusiasm of day to day, and will come back renewed for the final few weeks. tempted to literally get a cab to the airport and take a flight, wherever it may be!

anyhow, keep at it team. everyone really doing great, and all the posts around, loving the positivity. really inspiring first thing to read all the updates and new findings from the other peeps. keep it going.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 52 - Forgive me father..

for I have sinned. It has been a week since my last blog post. Fortunately, I have had a distinct lack of PCP related sinning in the interim, and for this i give thanks.

Ah, the grim perserverance indeed. Around the 50% mark, like many others,  I had a fairly strong case of CBAS (what is known in my circles as Can't Be Assed Syndrome), but frankly just to spite myself, I have been ensuring that everything gets done to the letter, including daily skip quota in the morning, and a few extras thrown in before the evening work out to keep the fat burning ticking over. Really starting to feel the changes and the benefit now.. Was sitting back on my sofa absentmindedly with my hand on what i thought was my chest bone, but realised it was actually my abs post workout, which was a good feeling.. its all getting stronger.

One thing that I did pick up this weekend was a television programme that was so horrendous that I could not actually change the channel for bout 20 minutes: Bridalplasty. OH. MY. GOD. If it was not real, it would not be nearly so upsetting... From what I could see, 12 women of varying sizes and weight (some of which were on the larger side, and some of which were frankly already in great shape) fight it out for the right to have themselves lipo'd, cut, sucked etc so that when their big wedding day comes, they can have been recreated into the perfect woman for their wedding day. The first challenge was for each of the women to do a timed puzzle test to put pieces on a board to form a picture of themselves in their wedding gown. Each of the first 10 contestants to do so were to pick up their prize (a syringe) and then run downstairs for their in house surgeon to insert botox into their faces, leaving the two unlucky brides-to-be sobbing uncontrollably at the thought that they would miss out. One particular girl in one of her intimate shot-to-camera moments said something along the lines of 'if i can just do these 17 procedures, then i will finally be beautiful enough to go down the aisle'. And the thing was, this woman WAS attractive. Yes, a little on the big side, but got me thinking that 90 days of something like the PCP would get her so close to where she wanted to be. But in this crazy fast food world, the only way she could see herself improving herself was the fast and lazy way of cutting herself to bits. Honestly. the joy on these girls faces at the mere mention of 'and tomorrows challenge brings the Lipo Doctor to the House' and the shrieks of delight that ensued thereafter...

ANYWAY, this type of tv is supposed to be provocative by nature.. but please, what is the world coming to?

Here is a nice little clip which depicts nicely this insanity:

Otherwise, digging the return of protein to the evening smorgasbord, and more intense targetting of the muscle groups. Things starting to ramp up again.. Bring it please.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 45 - Halfway There

45 days done.. that wasn't so hard, was it? Taking it all as the norm now, and feeling better and better in terms of energy, determination, and really wanting to get through all the sets, altho the planks today needed some serious gritting of teeth as the wobbles kicked in towards the end, and sweat dripping off the nose onto the mat.. feels great getting it finished out though.

Only 45 days to go, want to make the most of it and do everything as perfectly as possible and see where this goes. Feeling really energized about it, and encouraged that results are starting to show, although want to keep the fat burning off and see if we can see a bit more definition, but cant really be upset about how its gone, and most importantly, how good i feel compared to early January where i was out on my feet.

this weeks photos up, heres to finishing another week, already looking forward to what saturday will bring.. guess its only monday tho, no need to get ahead of myself!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 42 - 1500 consecutive jumps

Previous consecutive jumprope maximum: 500. Simply for the reason that seemed like a good round number for a 'set' to break up the total.

Todays consecutive jumpropes: all 1500. Not one trip, happy with that.

An interesting observation, and it reminded me of Patricks blog about being 'the laziest person in the world'.

This actually seemed easier and less strain than breaking it up. I suppose the first few hundred the legs are cold and so it feels like they are hard work as the legs warm up. However when you get them 'warm', the effort in them seems to plateau and then settle down once youre in a rythym. When breaking them up, the first few hundred of the second set again feels like hard work. So in summation, kind of seems like if you push through the first 500 or so and keep going, they dont get any harder and just got to keep going, rather than stopping and starting, which requires feeling the stress of getting up to speed again. Ipso facto, lazier way of doing it in terms of it feeling easier and getting it done quicker. Or maybe I just had too much enthusiasm today!

Wonder if this means its too efficient and therefore not working you as hard, or this is the way its to be done. Either way, seems a long way from day 1 requirements, cool how the body catches up as the reps build.

heres to the new weeks regime. Have a good weekend all, keep strong.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

PCP - Day 41

This week done, just about getting the pistol squats i think, but i do see where the other PCPers find a bit of issue, my knees to give in to the occasional creak at the low points, although they do give a good burn, which is nice.

Otherwise, rope in the morning, okay, will get onto that. Did so this morning, although found that only doing say 500 in the evening to warm up pre-routine felt like a bit of a cheat as didnt get a proper sweat on before hitting the squats and creeps. I guess its up to me if im enthusastic enough to do another 1450 rope jumps in the evening as well. Guess it all counts...

As a huge fan of the movie, wondering whether Patrick has considered making a promotional commercial for the PCP course. If so, perhaps this excerpt from 'Dodgeball' might give him some inspiration.. or maybe not considering his views on gyms, and maybe varies just slightly from the PCP ideals. Entertaining nonetheless!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 36 - Photo Uploaded

Yep, pistol squats.. intriguing.

8 minute abs.. that guy is so inspiring. Is he wearing like a one piece leotard thing? Anyone know where i can buy one if so?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 35 - New Exercises

Yes, just turning in for bed after a nice little rest day. Skips done, and going to bed down for a nice long sleep after a busy week. New exercises just came in couple minutes ago, starting to get masochistic about it, seeing how much extra work we are due compared to the work before. Those pistol squats look killer, and few more sets and variation thrown in. Really starting to feel and see changes now, jeans which were tight at christmas as i was raiding the fridge for some cold roast potatoes slathered in bread sauce are now basically coming down around my ass, and feeling a lot tighter now. Bring on the new week, can't wait to dominate tomorrows new programme. Hope all are doing well and feeling like they are maxing out, whatever level we are at; whether its 1 pull up or ten, or bumming out on the squats, or whatever your personal nemesis might be, as long as youve squeezed all youve got out of whats being put in front of us, you know you will be improving yourself every day! Keep it up!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carrot Cake

Colleagues birthday today, secretary just brought in what is the worlds most divine carrot cake. I have tasted the type from this confectioner before, and mummy, it is good.. dont even normally have a sweet tooth. I admit i did SMELL the cake, something which disappoints me so much that I am going to do an extra set of squat jumps tonight as penance.

dinner time shakes with egg white, banana, apple and milk are the bomb. 8 minutes abs are also genius. love those bad boys. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 32 - New Impetus and Indulgence

Day 31 - Vital Stats (Day 1 in brackets)

First things first, some vital statistics:

Weight - 79.3 kg  (83.1kg) /  - 3.8 kg
BMI: 26.5  (25)  / - 1.5
Fat Percentage: 27.7 (22.9) /  - 4.8
Fat Mass: 23kg (18.2 kg)  / - 4.8kg
FFM 61.1kg (60.1kg) / + 1.0kg 

Fairly happy with the results after 31 days, certainly felt a lot tighter, fitter, more energetic etc but good to see some improvements 'up there in lights' as it were. Also like the green number, good to see a little muscle mass going on there. 

GOOD few days. Really like isolating the different muscle groups.. Used to absolutely hate working the legs, and still not the favourite exercise, but a real satisfaction when finishing off the last set of squat jumps and collapsing for 15 seconds on the deck panting and feeling the legs go. Totally true about only leaving the requisite gaps of 15 or 20 seconds between each set, as it really maximises the burn, and feels very satisfying having a) done a full workout and being dead at the end and b) doing it relatively quickly. New ab workouts as well kick ass, 4 x 25 of leg raises last night had me making pathetic mewing noises for the full final set, so glad my flatmates were not in earshot.

Skipping still good, altho judging by others they are doing the full 1300 or whatever in one go, whereas im breaking into say sets of three, so gonna try and get the full whack down in one.. sure its a case of doing it one time, realising its do-able, and no turning back.

Certainly feel like seeing some changes now. I swear late last night, if i arched my back, tilted the light at the right angle, and squinted one eye, i saw the outline of an ab somewhere there... i mean, i could have been hallucinating, but its enough to make me want to dominate 8 min abs post workout, even if they are already screaming. it WILL be done.

Internet was down at the batcave last night, will fire up the photo from last night ce soir as we are back online. 

oh, yeah, and did three vodka sodas Saturday night at a friends 30th.. in terms of staying up late shooting the breeze with a bunch of friends, then yeah, it felt nice, but really, dont feel it really added all that much. Not going to be tee total or anything, but shows how the mindset changes in a short space of time! 

Keep it at dawgs. Peace out.

Monday, February 7, 2011

PCP - Day 23

My fellow PCP-er Geordie W. pulled me up today about my lack of perhaps more daily blogging, and in my shame I am signing in. Perhaps it is my innate feeling that unless I have something pertinent to express, is it worth signing in to say 'had a regular day today, all is swell'? Well, perhaps it is...

In any case, this feels like a long run, where the early hard yards have been passed and getting into a nice rhythm now where the PCP is now just part of the daily furniture. Eat six times daily, body feeling that, check. Exercise on the way in the door after work, check. Don't even need to think about that now, its pavlovian i guess, but im into the gym gear and onto the balcony within five minutes of being home without even realising it. LOVE the skipping, got a hang for it now, and starting to turn up the revolutions to get through the sets. Only worries is my rope is too light, and cant get the thing to turn fast enough. Gotta start playing with some different tricks on the rope to liven it up. Will see if can incorporate alternate feet for starters before getting tangled in the crossing.

Verry quiet Chinese New Year, although dinner was friends was an eye opener; usually a dinner before a bank holiday weekend says one thing, and that is dinner with friends including multiple bottles of wines, before out into town and sinking the jack and cokes and shots like its going out of fashion. However, as my friends noted my willpower in chugging down the sodas, most of them towards the end were saying 'man, i wish i had that willpower', or 'god my hangovers are so bad these days, wish i could do what youre doing'. and theyre right.. no hangovers really is quite magnificent. Great night, didnt noticed I wasnt drinking after about five minutes, and friend even cooked me up some steamed cod and veggies and some brown rice (in the days where we had carbs for dinner!).

Otherwise, stickin too it. Dont care about 'weight loss' anymore, just hoping that the fat is coming off, and the muscle going on. Don't see improvements with the naked eye, but looking at the photos, theres definitely an improvement there. God i love the burn tho... nothing like collapsing in a heap after maxing out on squats/lunges and laughing to yourself as the things are on fire. Great thing is, it hurts like hell when youre finishing up, but 30 seconds afterwards, its fine.. so just get through all the sets folks, its on sore for a second! Really hope nobody can hear me grunting tho.. my GOD are there some freaky sounds at the end of the leg exercises.. .sounds like a whale calving.

anyhoo, we go on! laters.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

PCP Day 16 - All about Routine

Day 16... Feeling really into the routine of things now. What initially felt like deprivation in terms of what we can and can't eat now feels like the norm, and the eating six times a day thing really makes sense, starting to feel slightly hungry before each 'course' so to speak, feels like the body is getting used to it and prepared for it too.

A fairly routine few days in the office, with one business lunch sandwiched in there. Nobody seemed to bat an eyelid as ordered steamed barramundi with steamed veg on the side (no salt, no oil), bit of bread.. tasted great, and PCP eating didnt feel like a hindrance or 'anti-social' in any way. Body tuning into the exercise as well, going from 'oh god, do i have to do this again' to actually on auto pilot, shifting myself off the sofa and into the skipping before even realised it.

Weighing in at 81 kg today, which just over 2 kg lost in two weeks, which feels steady and definitely feeling a bit tighter. Really looking forward to next couple of weeks to see if can make out some visible changes on the physique.

Social life is slow though, not really feeling like hanging in bars and nightclubs at the weekends sucking back on soda water, so keeping things a little quiet.. quite glad of the rest to be fair, but sure the trigger finger will start getting a little itchy in the next couple weeks.. Well, its all for the greater good, so will cross that bridge mid April! Chow y'all.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 10 - Getting My Blog On.

Simply one of those days where feeling uninspired to lay down a literary masterpiece vis a vis le PCP.

However, a swift transition made from Friday to Saturday, when the diet part of the new regime kicked in. Menu pre planning is clearly going to be the key here with regards to a) having enough variation of what you need in the house and b) being creative enough to mix this up to avoid the daily food routine going stale very quickly indeed. Opened up on Day 1 with these classic mistakes, by literally feeling like I ate my bodyweight in carrots and tomatoes during the course of the day for the Veg intake in lieu of no other options, and im also not sure diving into wheat pasta for breakfast is going to become a regular, but was a necessity in the absence of the oats which i had failed to purchase. Sufficed to say, this has all been rectified, and going to scour around and rack the brain for some PCP compliant recipes. Sure we can create a forum for this so we can all share the love to spice up our lives a touch.

Otherwise, loving the new variations to the exercises, starting to hit all the muscle groups in the same session, so feeling that post workout glow all over on the way into the office. Note to self, some resistance bands are more 'resistant' than others. My first resistance band purchase was making things way too easy on the seated rows and chest compressions (altho just right on the DaVincis), so have gone long on a variety of different band strengths to incorporate for different exercises, and to use as my ability to cope under load increases.. or so the theory goes.

Food wise.. finding the time in the day to eat it all is the only problem. Starting to get the hang of this though, spacing it out is the key.. a late breakfast looks like its going to throw the rest of the day out of whack, so up and at em and eating early looks the key. Peace out players.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 7 - The Real Beginning

 So Far So Good. All exercises done to the full rep count this week, and the 500 rope jumps today I guess was part of a rest day in terms of letting the rest of the muscle groups recuperate. 5 sets of 100, no stopping or tripping, fairly happy with that, altho not quite Floyd Mayweather on the ropes yet, altho the geeky part of me thinks i will have to learn to throw in a few crosses, double jumps etc in later weeks! Definitely getting easier. Looking forward to stepping it up for week two exercises provided by Patrick today.

Have been keeping things fairly quiet this week to try and avoid social interaction regards booze and rich foods.. However, work dinner last night with a bunch of colleagues getting fired into a few beers, and after the conversation got started, hardly noticed at all that I was tucking away on San Pellegrino. Advantage also of sushi is the shared plates, as nobody really notices if youve eaten a little less as its not on individual plates. Kept my bad self away from the soft shell crab hand rolls, picked at a bit of nigiri and sashimi. Pat on back.

Read the article 'Unhappy Meals'. Makes a heap of sense. Can see myself becoming a real organic food nazi. no bad thing. Looking forward to kicking the food/training thing up a notch. Empowering to know this is all for the greater good. Hope everyones feeling the same buzz right about now.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Vital Statistics - Day 1

Day 1 - Vital Stats

Weight - 83.1kg
BMI: 26.5
Fat Percentage: 27.7%
Fat Mass: 23kg

Understand fat mass should be in the 10-15kg bracket, so enlightening. The more there is, the more there is to lose. Which is a positive way of looking at it. Day 90 is going to look verrrry different.

Morning Day 3

AS with a fair few of the other participants, feeling the early burn a fair bit after this mornings workout. Really enjoyed taking the stairs rather than the escalator from the underground, it is such a sweet, deep burn that is a constant reminder that something is clearly working and making you better, even if it makes it that bit more uncomfortable to move around for the first week or two.

Food not really proving a problem, as feel incredibly virtuous turning down anything that perceive to be unhealthy, the early enthusiasm remains undaunted. Alcohol intake zero, work ethic increased. Half portions feel measly, but within half an hour of eating, feel satisfied, so all about keeping the discipline and isnt so bad after a while. Decent start.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Morning - Day 1

Having had every intention to gradually ease down on the throttle this week in preparation for Day 1's shock tactics, had really impressed myself prior to a moment of realisation last night about 9pm that this is real.
This was remedied by tucking away a fair few measures of vodka and something with a couple of friends as a means of saying bon voyage to my usual lifestyle.

Head is a touch fuzzy today but determination is clear and the jump rope, push up bars and resistance band are calling to me. Up and at em. This wont be too hard.. will it?