Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 10 - Getting My Blog On.

Simply one of those days where feeling uninspired to lay down a literary masterpiece vis a vis le PCP.

However, a swift transition made from Friday to Saturday, when the diet part of the new regime kicked in. Menu pre planning is clearly going to be the key here with regards to a) having enough variation of what you need in the house and b) being creative enough to mix this up to avoid the daily food routine going stale very quickly indeed. Opened up on Day 1 with these classic mistakes, by literally feeling like I ate my bodyweight in carrots and tomatoes during the course of the day for the Veg intake in lieu of no other options, and im also not sure diving into wheat pasta for breakfast is going to become a regular, but was a necessity in the absence of the oats which i had failed to purchase. Sufficed to say, this has all been rectified, and going to scour around and rack the brain for some PCP compliant recipes. Sure we can create a forum for this so we can all share the love to spice up our lives a touch.

Otherwise, loving the new variations to the exercises, starting to hit all the muscle groups in the same session, so feeling that post workout glow all over on the way into the office. Note to self, some resistance bands are more 'resistant' than others. My first resistance band purchase was making things way too easy on the seated rows and chest compressions (altho just right on the DaVincis), so have gone long on a variety of different band strengths to incorporate for different exercises, and to use as my ability to cope under load increases.. or so the theory goes.

Food wise.. finding the time in the day to eat it all is the only problem. Starting to get the hang of this though, spacing it out is the key.. a late breakfast looks like its going to throw the rest of the day out of whack, so up and at em and eating early looks the key. Peace out players.


  1. Nick, I'm with you on the planning; you've got to be three days ahead the entire time... I'm with you on the recipe forum. Would love to hear everyone's ideas... Especially when it comes to breakfast... Mushrooms?

  2. Recipe forum sounds awesome! I feel like I'm buying vege's every other day! :)

  3. Hey - all keen on the recipes: especially for breakfast. That is the toughest. Good luck all. Rich

  4. I agree that a late breakfast is a really bad idea. Happened to me yesterday and it was tiring because I felt as if all I did yesterday was eating.

  5. Yeah, don't cheat yourself with weak resistance. You should be having trouble getting through the last reps on the last set with every band exercise.
