Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 7 - The Real Beginning

 So Far So Good. All exercises done to the full rep count this week, and the 500 rope jumps today I guess was part of a rest day in terms of letting the rest of the muscle groups recuperate. 5 sets of 100, no stopping or tripping, fairly happy with that, altho not quite Floyd Mayweather on the ropes yet, altho the geeky part of me thinks i will have to learn to throw in a few crosses, double jumps etc in later weeks! Definitely getting easier. Looking forward to stepping it up for week two exercises provided by Patrick today.

Have been keeping things fairly quiet this week to try and avoid social interaction regards booze and rich foods.. However, work dinner last night with a bunch of colleagues getting fired into a few beers, and after the conversation got started, hardly noticed at all that I was tucking away on San Pellegrino. Advantage also of sushi is the shared plates, as nobody really notices if youve eaten a little less as its not on individual plates. Kept my bad self away from the soft shell crab hand rolls, picked at a bit of nigiri and sashimi. Pat on back.

Read the article 'Unhappy Meals'. Makes a heap of sense. Can see myself becoming a real organic food nazi. no bad thing. Looking forward to kicking the food/training thing up a notch. Empowering to know this is all for the greater good. Hope everyones feeling the same buzz right about now.


  1. Nick, I'm with you on the jump-rope, the geek in me wants to be practising some moves that would make Rocky quiver. Not quite there yet though...! How many weeks before we're hitting this level do you think?

  2. Way to go Nick. You'll be tricking out that jump rope in no time.

  3. Yep, if you can get Pollan's message embedded not only intellectually but at the physical level, you'll never go back. Welcome to the real PCP.

  4. Yes, I'm buzzing the same way.

  5. Hi Nicholas, I'm a former PCPer. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog from time to time. I wish you all the best in your program.

    Nice to hear about your success with the jump rope--pass the elements of your sucess on to those in your group who are having rope troubles. I was having troubles with my rope for sometime during my PCP run, but in the end, it became the most rewarding exercise I do.
