Saturday, January 29, 2011

PCP Day 16 - All about Routine

Day 16... Feeling really into the routine of things now. What initially felt like deprivation in terms of what we can and can't eat now feels like the norm, and the eating six times a day thing really makes sense, starting to feel slightly hungry before each 'course' so to speak, feels like the body is getting used to it and prepared for it too.

A fairly routine few days in the office, with one business lunch sandwiched in there. Nobody seemed to bat an eyelid as ordered steamed barramundi with steamed veg on the side (no salt, no oil), bit of bread.. tasted great, and PCP eating didnt feel like a hindrance or 'anti-social' in any way. Body tuning into the exercise as well, going from 'oh god, do i have to do this again' to actually on auto pilot, shifting myself off the sofa and into the skipping before even realised it.

Weighing in at 81 kg today, which just over 2 kg lost in two weeks, which feels steady and definitely feeling a bit tighter. Really looking forward to next couple of weeks to see if can make out some visible changes on the physique.

Social life is slow though, not really feeling like hanging in bars and nightclubs at the weekends sucking back on soda water, so keeping things a little quiet.. quite glad of the rest to be fair, but sure the trigger finger will start getting a little itchy in the next couple weeks.. Well, its all for the greater good, so will cross that bridge mid April! Chow y'all.


  1. me too! i feel a little peckish and realise its time for my fruit snack.

  2. Great progress man, these are the building blocks of sustainability.

  3. Sounds like you're getting into the swing of things... don't be shy though, lots of things that you can be doing out there that don't involve a hangover...

  4. It's great eating food, isn't it!

  5. Hey Nick - sounds like you are getting into a groove. I have been feeling/thinking similar things. So when do we hit a wall? Sounds great...stay the course. The Soda water is not that bad by the way...
