Monday, February 7, 2011

PCP - Day 23

My fellow PCP-er Geordie W. pulled me up today about my lack of perhaps more daily blogging, and in my shame I am signing in. Perhaps it is my innate feeling that unless I have something pertinent to express, is it worth signing in to say 'had a regular day today, all is swell'? Well, perhaps it is...

In any case, this feels like a long run, where the early hard yards have been passed and getting into a nice rhythm now where the PCP is now just part of the daily furniture. Eat six times daily, body feeling that, check. Exercise on the way in the door after work, check. Don't even need to think about that now, its pavlovian i guess, but im into the gym gear and onto the balcony within five minutes of being home without even realising it. LOVE the skipping, got a hang for it now, and starting to turn up the revolutions to get through the sets. Only worries is my rope is too light, and cant get the thing to turn fast enough. Gotta start playing with some different tricks on the rope to liven it up. Will see if can incorporate alternate feet for starters before getting tangled in the crossing.

Verry quiet Chinese New Year, although dinner was friends was an eye opener; usually a dinner before a bank holiday weekend says one thing, and that is dinner with friends including multiple bottles of wines, before out into town and sinking the jack and cokes and shots like its going out of fashion. However, as my friends noted my willpower in chugging down the sodas, most of them towards the end were saying 'man, i wish i had that willpower', or 'god my hangovers are so bad these days, wish i could do what youre doing'. and theyre right.. no hangovers really is quite magnificent. Great night, didnt noticed I wasnt drinking after about five minutes, and friend even cooked me up some steamed cod and veggies and some brown rice (in the days where we had carbs for dinner!).

Otherwise, stickin too it. Dont care about 'weight loss' anymore, just hoping that the fat is coming off, and the muscle going on. Don't see improvements with the naked eye, but looking at the photos, theres definitely an improvement there. God i love the burn tho... nothing like collapsing in a heap after maxing out on squats/lunges and laughing to yourself as the things are on fire. Great thing is, it hurts like hell when youre finishing up, but 30 seconds afterwards, its fine.. so just get through all the sets folks, its on sore for a second! Really hope nobody can hear me grunting tho.. my GOD are there some freaky sounds at the end of the leg exercises.. .sounds like a whale calving.

anyhoo, we go on! laters.


  1. Great post --- we like to even read about the "normal" days!

  2. Yeah man, get yourself a heavier rope, you'll appreciate it. The importance of the blog isn't to share deep thoughts, it's to let us know that you're still here and you're not alone. So just write anything.

  3. Really good advice about the burn... and yes, how nice it is to wake up totally unhungover. Way to go!

  4. One good thing about posting, even if only to account for an uneventful day, is that you realise your peers go through similar experiences and changes. That is useful to have a better perspective of what we are doing. Being unhungover is a delight, isn't it?

  5. Nick - we want to hear from you!!! It doesn't matter what you have to say.
