Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 42 - 1500 consecutive jumps

Previous consecutive jumprope maximum: 500. Simply for the reason that seemed like a good round number for a 'set' to break up the total.

Todays consecutive jumpropes: all 1500. Not one trip, happy with that.

An interesting observation, and it reminded me of Patricks blog about being 'the laziest person in the world'.

This actually seemed easier and less strain than breaking it up. I suppose the first few hundred the legs are cold and so it feels like they are hard work as the legs warm up. However when you get them 'warm', the effort in them seems to plateau and then settle down once youre in a rythym. When breaking them up, the first few hundred of the second set again feels like hard work. So in summation, kind of seems like if you push through the first 500 or so and keep going, they dont get any harder and just got to keep going, rather than stopping and starting, which requires feeling the stress of getting up to speed again. Ipso facto, lazier way of doing it in terms of it feeling easier and getting it done quicker. Or maybe I just had too much enthusiasm today!

Wonder if this means its too efficient and therefore not working you as hard, or this is the way its to be done. Either way, seems a long way from day 1 requirements, cool how the body catches up as the reps build.

heres to the new weeks regime. Have a good weekend all, keep strong.


  1. 1500 in one go?! you are on fire! That's terrific. Keep it going.

  2. Don't worry about the efficiency of your jumprope, it's a good exercise even if you're really good at it and cruising through them.

  3. No way... 1500 at once. That's awesome.

  4. 1500! You're a HERO honey! XXX Ems

  5. I agree --- I find it a lot easier just to keep going.

  6. 1500 in a row!!! WOW! watch out ROCKY!!!
