Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carrot Cake

Colleagues birthday today, secretary just brought in what is the worlds most divine carrot cake. I have tasted the type from this confectioner before, and mummy, it is good.. dont even normally have a sweet tooth. I admit i did SMELL the cake, something which disappoints me so much that I am going to do an extra set of squat jumps tonight as penance.

dinner time shakes with egg white, banana, apple and milk are the bomb. 8 minutes abs are also genius. love those bad boys. 


  1. I can't believe that you smelt the cake. You're not just letting yourself down, you're letting all of us down.

  2. you're courageous . dont think i would have been able just 'smell' it.. mere scent would be enough to unleash my suppressed food-beast, submerging my face in the cake and upsetting a few ppl as a result

  3. A secretary is either sweet or sour!

  4. That worked for me too once since starting PCP ---- I smelled chocolate and got by without eating it.

  5. What is with Japan and carrot cake?????

  6. Haha Heather....I've noticed the same thing! :)
