Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 32 - New Impetus and Indulgence

Day 31 - Vital Stats (Day 1 in brackets)

First things first, some vital statistics:

Weight - 79.3 kg  (83.1kg) /  - 3.8 kg
BMI: 26.5  (25)  / - 1.5
Fat Percentage: 27.7 (22.9) /  - 4.8
Fat Mass: 23kg (18.2 kg)  / - 4.8kg
FFM 61.1kg (60.1kg) / + 1.0kg 

Fairly happy with the results after 31 days, certainly felt a lot tighter, fitter, more energetic etc but good to see some improvements 'up there in lights' as it were. Also like the green number, good to see a little muscle mass going on there. 

GOOD few days. Really like isolating the different muscle groups.. Used to absolutely hate working the legs, and still not the favourite exercise, but a real satisfaction when finishing off the last set of squat jumps and collapsing for 15 seconds on the deck panting and feeling the legs go. Totally true about only leaving the requisite gaps of 15 or 20 seconds between each set, as it really maximises the burn, and feels very satisfying having a) done a full workout and being dead at the end and b) doing it relatively quickly. New ab workouts as well kick ass, 4 x 25 of leg raises last night had me making pathetic mewing noises for the full final set, so glad my flatmates were not in earshot.

Skipping still good, altho judging by others they are doing the full 1300 or whatever in one go, whereas im breaking into say sets of three, so gonna try and get the full whack down in one.. sure its a case of doing it one time, realising its do-able, and no turning back.

Certainly feel like seeing some changes now. I swear late last night, if i arched my back, tilted the light at the right angle, and squinted one eye, i saw the outline of an ab somewhere there... i mean, i could have been hallucinating, but its enough to make me want to dominate 8 min abs post workout, even if they are already screaming. it WILL be done.

Internet was down at the batcave last night, will fire up the photo from last night ce soir as we are back online. 

oh, yeah, and did three vodka sodas Saturday night at a friends 30th.. in terms of staying up late shooting the breeze with a bunch of friends, then yeah, it felt nice, but really, dont feel it really added all that much. Not going to be tee total or anything, but shows how the mindset changes in a short space of time! 

Keep it at dawgs. Peace out.


  1. Those results speak for themselves. Good job buddy, you're going to need a whole new wardrobe.

  2. thanks man. haha, i noticed i got some of my brackets the wrong way round above, but i think the gist is quite clear! good progress, time to crunch the middle month now.

  3. I completely agree with you on the leg work.

  4. I do the eye squinting thing too... happy that I am not alone :) happy that I only have to do it with eye now now instead of two
