Thursday, February 24, 2011

PCP - Day 41

This week done, just about getting the pistol squats i think, but i do see where the other PCPers find a bit of issue, my knees to give in to the occasional creak at the low points, although they do give a good burn, which is nice.

Otherwise, rope in the morning, okay, will get onto that. Did so this morning, although found that only doing say 500 in the evening to warm up pre-routine felt like a bit of a cheat as didnt get a proper sweat on before hitting the squats and creeps. I guess its up to me if im enthusastic enough to do another 1450 rope jumps in the evening as well. Guess it all counts...

As a huge fan of the movie, wondering whether Patrick has considered making a promotional commercial for the PCP course. If so, perhaps this excerpt from 'Dodgeball' might give him some inspiration.. or maybe not considering his views on gyms, and maybe varies just slightly from the PCP ideals. Entertaining nonetheless!


  1. Way to nail the pistol squats. Those suckers are tough!

  2. awesome post... things are looking good for you!

  3. Embed these videos bro~

    People often underestimate the knee. It's capable of a lot of work and in fact needs to be put under pressure to stay healthy. Keep rocking it!
