Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 60 - Final Stretch

I guess as its day 60, time for the 30 day Stats check:

Weight -   (83.1kg) / (79.3kg) /  74.0kg- 5.3 (Total  - 9.1 kg)
BMI:  (26.5)  / (25) /  23.9  / - 1.1  (Total - 2.6)
Fat Percentage: (27.7%) (22.9%) 19.3%   - 3.6 (Total - 8.4%)
Fat Mass: (23kg) / (18.2 kg) / 14.3kg   - 3.9kg (Total - 8.7kg)
FFM  (60.1kg) (61.1kg) / 59.7kg - 1.4kg (Total -0.4kg)

Happy with that, down another 3.9kg of fat mass over the last 30 days, although a little perturbed at a loss of 1.4kg of muscle over the same period. I guess to be expected though, hoping as things ramp up over the final 30 days can get some of that back, or at least stabilise the slide.

Have definitely found the last 10 days or so have been a real grind. I have tried to ensure im not coasting, and giving it everything on the sets, but there have been some times where ive been lying on the gym mat pre session looking at the ceiling thinking 'god, i really can't be assed..' haha. FORTUNATELY every single time ive got off the floor and got skipping, and each time after a few hundred jumps, the adrenalin gets going and the rest is easy. great journeys, small steps etc.. just got to internalise that feeling of accomplishment when youve got yourself over the hump. Been reading a lot of others who have been through this, but now the positive energy flying around the final push, so this is great to read.

Have checked myself this morning, and trying to think of Day 60 as a mini-day one, in the sense that the first 60 days has got all of us so far, and now the last 30 days is to really finish off with a bang, tear it up, be all we can be, choose your analogy.... so right, it begins here, and going to beat the crap out of this thing.

Still haven't done the indulgence, have been saving it for my brothers birthday this saturday. Might allow myself a couple glasses of the strong stuff to see the big day in, but otherwise, on the letter so far.

Well done and thank you to Patrick for keeping things going in what must be some pretty taxing circumstances, and thoughts going out to all of you in Japan right now.

new photo i guess tonight.


  1. 8.4% fat loss....IMPRESSIVE! You're doing great and following everything to a "T". Great job.

  2. You look amazing! Keep up the good work. I agree with the ugh about starting the workouts some days.. but once you get into the ropes- everything starts to click and the good feelings motivate you to go hard and strong!
    Great numbers you are putting up there!

  3. Awesome stats and you look terrific. Good call on the mini-day one, day sixty. Oh and enjoy your indulgence, you totally deserve it. You are really making the most of this, it's inspiring!

  4. Acknowledging the "Can't be asked" feeling and then doing it anyway is the key to changing your body and your life for good. Well done Nick.

  5. Nick - I have been to the valley and back. The "other-side" is liberating and high energy. Attack it like you have been. Bravo man...bravo!

  6. Seeing these stats makes me think 'it can be done' and reading your words make me think 'I will do it'.

    It's not the great attitude when times are easy, it's the balls when times are hard. You are rocking it, all the best for the final attack!
