Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 74 - Back in from the Cold

Back in from the cold literally (although Scotland was actually amazingly warm this time of year, about 14c), and also on the blogging front. 15 days without being on the blog is unacceptably long, and apologies to all for not keeping up my end of the deal by being more regular in the interim.

In short, had to return to the UK at relatively short notice to take care of some personal business, and finding the time or impetus to get blogged up kind of took a back seat. Regardless, rope, bands, and even gym mat managed to get squeezed into the suit carrier, and within a few hours of landing, found myself on my brother porch outside his flat jumping rope while scottish locals pointed at the weird guy on their way past. I also do confess that i did my 'indulgence' for my brothers birthday, which also coincided with not one but two days skipped which i thoroughly regret. The first was courtesy of a serious hangover (amazing how a few drinks knocks you sideways when your constantly working out) and the second was just a looong day of meetings, and a momentary failure of enthusiasm on my part.

To this end, skipping fridays are now pencilled in for full gym days in the coming two weeks, and since arriving back in Singapore on Sunday night on double skipping sessions for my penance!

Amazing to think that there are only 16 days left, and like several others, we have all made superb strides over the last 74 days. Also do have that feeling though that by day 90 will not be 'quite where I want to be', but going to be a damn sight closer thats for sure, with the tools in the toolbox to keep moving forward for the next 90 days and beyond, which is a great feeling. Those days of going to the gym and chucking a few weights around, a bit of cross training, and then ordering extra chicken on a post gym salad 'cos protein is good, right?' are over.

Another observation.. dont miss days!! Wow, even couple days out, and the next couple of days thereafter burn like hell, and cant reach maximum sets either which is just really annoying. So glad to be back in Chads warm embrace on the 8 minute abs as well. Run em up Guys!

I leave you with my tee shot on the 13th at Gullane No1 Course in Scotland on a beautiful scottish spring day. Sadly it ended up in the greenside bunker, the tide turned, and my brother did me 3 and 2 with a 30ft monster putt on the 16th. Cant win em all!

Also had a good look through the teams recent updates/ photos. You are all so getting commented on tomorrow, haha.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time. Glad to read your posts again!

  2. Don't do penance, you'll just wear your body out and eat up muscle.

  3. Good to catch up... Keep it going, we are in the home stretch now.
