Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 53 - Photo Up

That time of the week again, new photo up, and again happy that things moving in the right direction. Arms and neckline shaping up a bit more, midriff still needs more work, but really not going to complain considering shape I was in only 53 days ago. Really nice to see some positive changes in there, and gives fresh impetus to go again, 37 days to go.

Enjoying this weeks exercises, increasingly hitting the muscle groups with higher reps and varied sets.

Inspiration low today, although one observation is that when have a day at work that sucks, actually looking forward to getting home and working out through the sets. Who woulda thunk it back in the first week of January. Hell, not this guy!

One plus is, having lost my passport back in November, it has taken until this week that i was deemed to have all the new documentation for a new application, which means within 10 days can at least get off this rock for a couple of days.. I am sure that a bit of time away lends a bit of perspective from the grim enthusiasm of day to day, and will come back renewed for the final few weeks. tempted to literally get a cab to the airport and take a flight, wherever it may be!

anyhow, keep at it team. everyone really doing great, and all the posts around, loving the positivity. really inspiring first thing to read all the updates and new findings from the other peeps. keep it going.


  1. Glad you're seeing changes.... yeah, definitely more definition. That's great, you look awesome! Enjoy your mini-break if you get one.

  2. I agree --- love reading everyone's posts while eating my breakfast!!

  3. Wow Nick, way to go. Great changes!

  4. You look much better around the face and neck ne? If you have the misfortune to store fat there you really have a good reason to get your body fat down as you'll look older and fatter than you really are because your fat stores are above your collar for the world to see. Good work dude.

  5. Looking good mate, big difference from week 1

  6. Nick....I just looked at your new photo compared to day 1's photo --- yes there is a HUGE difference. Good work!
