Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 80 - Final Stretch

Last ten days, and definitely feeling it. The subtle week-by-week increases are great, but the body starting to realise that the demands placed on it are actually quite a jump from a few weeks previous. Stretching as much as possible pre and post workout, and before bed to try to get the 'hardness' out of the muscles, but still taking quite a bit to get the engine warmed up so to speak. The first couple 3 minute sets this morning on the jump rope, the legs felt like two slabs of concrete for each jump of the rope, had to grit the teeth to see it out. Well worth it though, as the subsequent sets the legs eventually warm up and can bash through them. Again, a very rewarding feeling when the final set is over, another one bites the dust, and one step closer to the finish line.

Having said that, definitely keen to keep the morning jumprope routine post PCP. Instead of going into the office previously with eyes half shut and head feeling fuzzy, it really does help to get everything revved up and ready for the day in terms of energy, instead of the previous lethargy I felt every morning. Gotta keep the morning cardio! As for Chris, like her style with regards incorporating a few tricks towards the end of her session. Not doing too hot on the crossing myself although I do appreciate that the peeps in my hood would seriously dig it if I could bust out some sick rope related manouevres, so I will endeavour to get some new styles locked down. Its not for me, its for them. The kids.

Otherwise, like many others, body still stiffening during the day between sessions, but that way you KNOW its working. And im very happy with the added protein / egg white intakes. It seems a lot, but im sure its helping with the muscle repair job. Fairly sure my bodyshape / fat levels still changing, so with that in mind, really want to do these hard yards bang on for the final 10 days.

Final p.s. had a golf lesson on Sunday, the pro had the camera out to analyse the swing. A) a great tool for working out where to make subtle changes to the swing arc etc. but B) far more importantly, it is a great way of analysing how PCP has changed the body shape. He has a video of my swing from about 60 days ago, and one from yesterday. The difference in posture, stance, flexibility and overall muscle tone is really clear. Just look so much more athletic, and this is great. certainly want to look more Tiger than John Daly...

Rock it out. Got to love Mondays.


  1. Cool about your golf swing ---- last 10 days here we come! Great post.

  2. Great stuff man, glad you're body is loving you back.

  3. Awesome news about the golf posture. Way to go. I know what you mean about the morning legs. Mine felt like iron posts until the second set of jumps. I still love/hate jumping, but like you, I hope to keep it up post PCP, 'cause you feel so good after. Rock on!
