Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 82 - Wardrobe Change

Most PCP-ers minds now turning to post PCP behaviour, how to train, how to sustain etc. A fair few comments as well regards needs for new clothes as Day 1 stuff really isnt doing the job anymore. Also noted that some got in there early with some new purchases, only to find that again, they started to feel baggy and ill-fitting as more weight has been lost.

I have taken these experiences, and determined not to purchase any new gear before the end of the programme to avoid having to do it all again. The upshot of this is that I basically don't own anything that fits me whatsoever which is a) a great sign of progress and b) a source of amusement for others. All my suit trousers for work are held up by a belt on the last loop, and even then they are bunched at the front and hanging round the haunches. Shirts look more like blouses, which again would be rather high fashion if i were a spanish cavalier in the 16th century holding a cutlass in one hand, and a wench in the other. Which sadly I am not. None of my jeans can even stay up with a belt, and end up hanging round my quads, which actually makes me look pretty street, and has been a mild consideration of going for the whole boxer shorts out, with jeans round the ankle gangsta look. Until i realised that was ridiculous.

Final weekend is therefore being devoted to doing a sweep for a full set of new stuff, and into the tailors to see if he can tailor some of the existing suits, or have to go for new stuff. Either way, really puts the day-to-day work into perspective when looking at pre and (almost) post PCP clothing.

Otherwise, skips again a hard slog after doing the legwork last night. Starting to get bit more tired during the day as well, so a couple days off post PCP will be nice before working out a new regime for future. On the food, like Chris, found ramping up the intake was initially proving a task to get through the main mealtimes, but body now re-adjusted and hanging on for each snack to come around. I do believe this Patrick chap may know what he is talking about.....

Once more unto the breach dear chums. Glory is yours for the taking etc etc! Finishing strong all round, hope everyone using the satisfied glow of 82 days hard work to get them through the final 8.

Give Peas a chance.


  1. Have you checked out the difference in your face from day 1 to day 60? Amazing.....I can't imagine how it looks on day 82!?!

    Great post ---- clothes. I know what you mean about the shirts looking like blouses. I'm going out and buy my husband slim dress shirts because he looks "sloppy" in regular ones.

    You are finishing strong and it's motivating!

  2. Well, you've got your Pirates of the Caribbean cosplay all ready to go at least.

  3. cannot wait for the days off too. you are looking totally awesome!

  4. I'm the same on the clothes front. Have some new shirts being knocked-up by the tailor as we speak, final fitting this week, delivery just in time for the finale... Same with suits... amazing what a little bit of alteration does for the confidence... (nice to see the word 'wench' being used in a pcp post - probably a first)
