Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 45 - Halfway There

45 days done.. that wasn't so hard, was it? Taking it all as the norm now, and feeling better and better in terms of energy, determination, and really wanting to get through all the sets, altho the planks today needed some serious gritting of teeth as the wobbles kicked in towards the end, and sweat dripping off the nose onto the mat.. feels great getting it finished out though.

Only 45 days to go, want to make the most of it and do everything as perfectly as possible and see where this goes. Feeling really energized about it, and encouraged that results are starting to show, although want to keep the fat burning off and see if we can see a bit more definition, but cant really be upset about how its gone, and most importantly, how good i feel compared to early January where i was out on my feet.

this weeks photos up, heres to finishing another week, already looking forward to what saturday will bring.. guess its only monday tho, no need to get ahead of myself!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 42 - 1500 consecutive jumps

Previous consecutive jumprope maximum: 500. Simply for the reason that seemed like a good round number for a 'set' to break up the total.

Todays consecutive jumpropes: all 1500. Not one trip, happy with that.

An interesting observation, and it reminded me of Patricks blog about being 'the laziest person in the world'.

This actually seemed easier and less strain than breaking it up. I suppose the first few hundred the legs are cold and so it feels like they are hard work as the legs warm up. However when you get them 'warm', the effort in them seems to plateau and then settle down once youre in a rythym. When breaking them up, the first few hundred of the second set again feels like hard work. So in summation, kind of seems like if you push through the first 500 or so and keep going, they dont get any harder and just got to keep going, rather than stopping and starting, which requires feeling the stress of getting up to speed again. Ipso facto, lazier way of doing it in terms of it feeling easier and getting it done quicker. Or maybe I just had too much enthusiasm today!

Wonder if this means its too efficient and therefore not working you as hard, or this is the way its to be done. Either way, seems a long way from day 1 requirements, cool how the body catches up as the reps build.

heres to the new weeks regime. Have a good weekend all, keep strong.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

PCP - Day 41

This week done, just about getting the pistol squats i think, but i do see where the other PCPers find a bit of issue, my knees to give in to the occasional creak at the low points, although they do give a good burn, which is nice.

Otherwise, rope in the morning, okay, will get onto that. Did so this morning, although found that only doing say 500 in the evening to warm up pre-routine felt like a bit of a cheat as didnt get a proper sweat on before hitting the squats and creeps. I guess its up to me if im enthusastic enough to do another 1450 rope jumps in the evening as well. Guess it all counts...

As a huge fan of the movie, wondering whether Patrick has considered making a promotional commercial for the PCP course. If so, perhaps this excerpt from 'Dodgeball' might give him some inspiration.. or maybe not considering his views on gyms, and maybe varies just slightly from the PCP ideals. Entertaining nonetheless!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 36 - Photo Uploaded

Yep, pistol squats.. intriguing.

8 minute abs.. that guy is so inspiring. Is he wearing like a one piece leotard thing? Anyone know where i can buy one if so?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 35 - New Exercises

Yes, just turning in for bed after a nice little rest day. Skips done, and going to bed down for a nice long sleep after a busy week. New exercises just came in couple minutes ago, starting to get masochistic about it, seeing how much extra work we are due compared to the work before. Those pistol squats look killer, and few more sets and variation thrown in. Really starting to feel and see changes now, jeans which were tight at christmas as i was raiding the fridge for some cold roast potatoes slathered in bread sauce are now basically coming down around my ass, and feeling a lot tighter now. Bring on the new week, can't wait to dominate tomorrows new programme. Hope all are doing well and feeling like they are maxing out, whatever level we are at; whether its 1 pull up or ten, or bumming out on the squats, or whatever your personal nemesis might be, as long as youve squeezed all youve got out of whats being put in front of us, you know you will be improving yourself every day! Keep it up!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carrot Cake

Colleagues birthday today, secretary just brought in what is the worlds most divine carrot cake. I have tasted the type from this confectioner before, and mummy, it is good.. dont even normally have a sweet tooth. I admit i did SMELL the cake, something which disappoints me so much that I am going to do an extra set of squat jumps tonight as penance.

dinner time shakes with egg white, banana, apple and milk are the bomb. 8 minutes abs are also genius. love those bad boys. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 32 - New Impetus and Indulgence

Day 31 - Vital Stats (Day 1 in brackets)

First things first, some vital statistics:

Weight - 79.3 kg  (83.1kg) /  - 3.8 kg
BMI: 26.5  (25)  / - 1.5
Fat Percentage: 27.7 (22.9) /  - 4.8
Fat Mass: 23kg (18.2 kg)  / - 4.8kg
FFM 61.1kg (60.1kg) / + 1.0kg 

Fairly happy with the results after 31 days, certainly felt a lot tighter, fitter, more energetic etc but good to see some improvements 'up there in lights' as it were. Also like the green number, good to see a little muscle mass going on there. 

GOOD few days. Really like isolating the different muscle groups.. Used to absolutely hate working the legs, and still not the favourite exercise, but a real satisfaction when finishing off the last set of squat jumps and collapsing for 15 seconds on the deck panting and feeling the legs go. Totally true about only leaving the requisite gaps of 15 or 20 seconds between each set, as it really maximises the burn, and feels very satisfying having a) done a full workout and being dead at the end and b) doing it relatively quickly. New ab workouts as well kick ass, 4 x 25 of leg raises last night had me making pathetic mewing noises for the full final set, so glad my flatmates were not in earshot.

Skipping still good, altho judging by others they are doing the full 1300 or whatever in one go, whereas im breaking into say sets of three, so gonna try and get the full whack down in one.. sure its a case of doing it one time, realising its do-able, and no turning back.

Certainly feel like seeing some changes now. I swear late last night, if i arched my back, tilted the light at the right angle, and squinted one eye, i saw the outline of an ab somewhere there... i mean, i could have been hallucinating, but its enough to make me want to dominate 8 min abs post workout, even if they are already screaming. it WILL be done.

Internet was down at the batcave last night, will fire up the photo from last night ce soir as we are back online. 

oh, yeah, and did three vodka sodas Saturday night at a friends 30th.. in terms of staying up late shooting the breeze with a bunch of friends, then yeah, it felt nice, but really, dont feel it really added all that much. Not going to be tee total or anything, but shows how the mindset changes in a short space of time! 

Keep it at dawgs. Peace out.

Monday, February 7, 2011

PCP - Day 23

My fellow PCP-er Geordie W. pulled me up today about my lack of perhaps more daily blogging, and in my shame I am signing in. Perhaps it is my innate feeling that unless I have something pertinent to express, is it worth signing in to say 'had a regular day today, all is swell'? Well, perhaps it is...

In any case, this feels like a long run, where the early hard yards have been passed and getting into a nice rhythm now where the PCP is now just part of the daily furniture. Eat six times daily, body feeling that, check. Exercise on the way in the door after work, check. Don't even need to think about that now, its pavlovian i guess, but im into the gym gear and onto the balcony within five minutes of being home without even realising it. LOVE the skipping, got a hang for it now, and starting to turn up the revolutions to get through the sets. Only worries is my rope is too light, and cant get the thing to turn fast enough. Gotta start playing with some different tricks on the rope to liven it up. Will see if can incorporate alternate feet for starters before getting tangled in the crossing.

Verry quiet Chinese New Year, although dinner was friends was an eye opener; usually a dinner before a bank holiday weekend says one thing, and that is dinner with friends including multiple bottles of wines, before out into town and sinking the jack and cokes and shots like its going out of fashion. However, as my friends noted my willpower in chugging down the sodas, most of them towards the end were saying 'man, i wish i had that willpower', or 'god my hangovers are so bad these days, wish i could do what youre doing'. and theyre right.. no hangovers really is quite magnificent. Great night, didnt noticed I wasnt drinking after about five minutes, and friend even cooked me up some steamed cod and veggies and some brown rice (in the days where we had carbs for dinner!).

Otherwise, stickin too it. Dont care about 'weight loss' anymore, just hoping that the fat is coming off, and the muscle going on. Don't see improvements with the naked eye, but looking at the photos, theres definitely an improvement there. God i love the burn tho... nothing like collapsing in a heap after maxing out on squats/lunges and laughing to yourself as the things are on fire. Great thing is, it hurts like hell when youre finishing up, but 30 seconds afterwards, its fine.. so just get through all the sets folks, its on sore for a second! Really hope nobody can hear me grunting tho.. my GOD are there some freaky sounds at the end of the leg exercises.. .sounds like a whale calving.

anyhoo, we go on! laters.