Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 90 - The End of the Beginning....

Okay, before being more prosaic, will bung up the stats for a bit of colour.

      0 Days       30 Days      60 Days     90 Days     Change +/-
Weight 83.1 (79.3) (74) 72.4 -10.7kg
BMI 26.5 (25) (23.9) 22.8 -3.7
Fat Percentage 27.7 (22.9) (19.3) 16.4 -11.3%
Fat Mass 23 (18.2) (14.3) 11.9 -11.1kg
Free Fat Mass 60.1 61.1 (59.7) 60.5 +0.4kg

The numbers speak for themselves, and can't say fairer than that. As they say in football  "if you had offered me that result before the game started, I would have snapped your hand off.

Now for the final snapshots.... Lets start with cute and cuddly day 0...

And move swiftly onto a couple from day 90...

And Alright then, a back shot...

And okay, while I'm at it, one of me in the same shorts as the Day 0 shot...

Talking frankly about the pictures above, and to consider the change in 90 days.. I'll take that thanks very much! Considering what I gave myself to play with on Day 0 I am more than pleased with the results. Whilst not at the ripped stage, its such a great improvement and I am very content with the progress on what is, when looking back, only 90 days. Its a great base to work with, and the only criticism I can have is what are those tan lines about? Got to even that bad boy up!

In terms of the PCP, firstly to thank my main man Jasper Tay, a completed PCP-er who completed his PCP rotation a couple of months ahead of me. It was his hard work (and before and after shots!) that really inspired me that such great strides could be made in such a short space of time, and that I had to get myself signed up for the PCP. Thanks also to Geordie for firing it up at the same time, really good to have a buddy to keep yourself within the lines so to speak for the full 90 days

To the other PCP-ers, such superb results guys. Some frankly unbelievable changes, and that is testament to so much hard work and discipline, and as Chad would say, 'fun'. The blog based side of the PCP cannot be understated. I blogged for sure, and could have blogged more, but I am certain I took so much more out of the inspirational musings of others, and their encouraging comments left on my own page. Almost every time prior to either jumping rope in the morning, or doing the resistance work in the evening, i checked into the main page and drew strength from the trials, tribulations and triumphs of others. The time zones worked a treat for this, with Molly (or Sarah, unbelievable!! haha) and Chris pushing me through the early morning skips with their brilliant posts overnight from the States and the likes of of George, Richard, Aki and Geordie et al giving me a push on in the evenings. 

So many things to take away from the PCP. Frankly, its the simplicity of the project that makes it so special. Looking back, the principles come down to a) eat FOOD regularly and b) exercise regularly. Two simple ideas which in abstract are so duh obvious, but two simple ideas which the world around us tries to obfuscate and complicate with so much mis-information, short cutting and easy outs, that even the educated person starts second guessing themselves upon these simple principles. 

The biggest thank you goes out to Patrick. The PCP project is not a 'diet'. It's not a fad. It's an all round education in nutrition, health, exercise and well being. The tailoring of the emails and the construction of the scheduling is done so well that even those of us who had mountains to climb made our way to the top by following steps that are so interesting and varied in their nature that it felt like a pleasure. The old sleight of hand trick that even though youre working throughout, the journey itself is so interesting that the 'pain' of it is more than worth it to see what the next day brings.

To anyone thinking about doing the PCP, and is really ready to take some positive steps to change their health and well being for the better, just get on and do it. You will not be disappointed.

Well done team. Top effort. I finish off with my favourite Al Pacino movie monologue... Life really is just a game of inches. Small changes in lifestyle and thought patterns really do make the big difference in the end! 

Day 90 and beyond.. here we come.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 84- Some Friday Entertainment

Well, its Friday, and its the end of week 11, onto final week 12.

Its Friday, its sunny outside, the Masters is on, tee time booked for tomorrow, and big latte in front of me, work seems alright.

Basically, all pretty peaceful. This kind of has that 'last week of school' feel to it. You know, only a week of work from now, you'll be able to relax, enjoy the fruits of your labour etc.

And to my mind, with seven days left, there is only one music artist out there that can sum up this feeling. The smooth urban licks from this celebrated Southampton wordsmith might just help all the ladies out there get through those ab exercises with a smile on they faces. Peace out Craig David.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 82 - Wardrobe Change

Most PCP-ers minds now turning to post PCP behaviour, how to train, how to sustain etc. A fair few comments as well regards needs for new clothes as Day 1 stuff really isnt doing the job anymore. Also noted that some got in there early with some new purchases, only to find that again, they started to feel baggy and ill-fitting as more weight has been lost.

I have taken these experiences, and determined not to purchase any new gear before the end of the programme to avoid having to do it all again. The upshot of this is that I basically don't own anything that fits me whatsoever which is a) a great sign of progress and b) a source of amusement for others. All my suit trousers for work are held up by a belt on the last loop, and even then they are bunched at the front and hanging round the haunches. Shirts look more like blouses, which again would be rather high fashion if i were a spanish cavalier in the 16th century holding a cutlass in one hand, and a wench in the other. Which sadly I am not. None of my jeans can even stay up with a belt, and end up hanging round my quads, which actually makes me look pretty street, and has been a mild consideration of going for the whole boxer shorts out, with jeans round the ankle gangsta look. Until i realised that was ridiculous.

Final weekend is therefore being devoted to doing a sweep for a full set of new stuff, and into the tailors to see if he can tailor some of the existing suits, or have to go for new stuff. Either way, really puts the day-to-day work into perspective when looking at pre and (almost) post PCP clothing.

Otherwise, skips again a hard slog after doing the legwork last night. Starting to get bit more tired during the day as well, so a couple days off post PCP will be nice before working out a new regime for future. On the food, like Chris, found ramping up the intake was initially proving a task to get through the main mealtimes, but body now re-adjusted and hanging on for each snack to come around. I do believe this Patrick chap may know what he is talking about.....

Once more unto the breach dear chums. Glory is yours for the taking etc etc! Finishing strong all round, hope everyone using the satisfied glow of 82 days hard work to get them through the final 8.

Give Peas a chance.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 80 - Final Stretch

Last ten days, and definitely feeling it. The subtle week-by-week increases are great, but the body starting to realise that the demands placed on it are actually quite a jump from a few weeks previous. Stretching as much as possible pre and post workout, and before bed to try to get the 'hardness' out of the muscles, but still taking quite a bit to get the engine warmed up so to speak. The first couple 3 minute sets this morning on the jump rope, the legs felt like two slabs of concrete for each jump of the rope, had to grit the teeth to see it out. Well worth it though, as the subsequent sets the legs eventually warm up and can bash through them. Again, a very rewarding feeling when the final set is over, another one bites the dust, and one step closer to the finish line.

Having said that, definitely keen to keep the morning jumprope routine post PCP. Instead of going into the office previously with eyes half shut and head feeling fuzzy, it really does help to get everything revved up and ready for the day in terms of energy, instead of the previous lethargy I felt every morning. Gotta keep the morning cardio! As for Chris, like her style with regards incorporating a few tricks towards the end of her session. Not doing too hot on the crossing myself although I do appreciate that the peeps in my hood would seriously dig it if I could bust out some sick rope related manouevres, so I will endeavour to get some new styles locked down. Its not for me, its for them. The kids.

Otherwise, like many others, body still stiffening during the day between sessions, but that way you KNOW its working. And im very happy with the added protein / egg white intakes. It seems a lot, but im sure its helping with the muscle repair job. Fairly sure my bodyshape / fat levels still changing, so with that in mind, really want to do these hard yards bang on for the final 10 days.

Final p.s. had a golf lesson on Sunday, the pro had the camera out to analyse the swing. A) a great tool for working out where to make subtle changes to the swing arc etc. but B) far more importantly, it is a great way of analysing how PCP has changed the body shape. He has a video of my swing from about 60 days ago, and one from yesterday. The difference in posture, stance, flexibility and overall muscle tone is really clear. Just look so much more athletic, and this is great. certainly want to look more Tiger than John Daly...

Rock it out. Got to love Mondays.